GMO foods are extremely harmful and carcinogenic! - France's new scientific study
world-recognized scientific journal Food and Toxicology first published research paper from the University of Paris, which proves that genetically modified food is extremely harmful. French scientists nearly two years conducted experiments on animals and GM corn. study French scientists found that the rats that were fed GMO corn sold by the U.S. company Monsanto suffering from cancer and other complications including kidney and liver damage. About 93 percent of tumors in females appeared in the second year of life. In humans it would be between 35 and 40 year, said the director of the Center for Research of genetic engineering Joel Spiroux. was found that rats fed NK603 maize died much earlier than those who did not. This variety is designed to be resistant to Monsanto's pesticide to kill weeds, and rats were given doses that are permitted in U.S. law. average life span of rats is more than three years, and previous studies were based on experiments that lasted three months. In rodents fed to modified American corn mortality was twice as high, and liver damage as much as five times higher than average. French government requested additional verification of the results and announced that the European Commission to seek ban on GM maize in the European Union. Russian scientists have made joint experiment in the Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which came to the conclusion that hamsters fed GMO food after Thursday's play descendants remain sterile. Even in the mid-'90s found that GMO defective affects human genes, Monsanto is assessed "to be true, but irrelevant side effects." Alexei Sukovo in a complex study explained that hamsters slower growth and that they decrease sexual maturity as early as the third generation, while the fourth was completely sterile. Corporations have already started a campaign in which the defense claim that this result is "true, but only in hamsters." Interestingly, in humans it is not possible to examine in such a short time. Sukovo ironically concluded that "GMO stop world hunger from a logical fact - because there will be people." GMO food to the wider world market in the mid-eighties, without having previously completed a quality technical research on the identification and the negative implications of such diets. American corporation "Monsanto", the world's largest producer of GMOs, the need for genetically modified food justify the attempt to "combat hunger in Africa," and the same "mantra" of the alleged "nobility" of GMOs, used the American political and corporate elite. In his excellent book, "Seeds of Deception", an American researcher and activist Jeffrey Smith writes the following: "The company" Monsanto "in the 1990s asked its executives to describe how, according to their opinion, should look like the perfect future for 15-20 years. Monsanto the directors describe the world in which 100 percent of the commercial seed be genetically modified and patented. Counselors are then based on that developed the strategy and tactics to achieve this goal. At the same conference are representatives of another biotech corporations on video wall diagram presented in which are suggested to download 90 percent of commercial seeds within five years. Their intention is to take the food supply in the world ... "